program is running
from September 2014 in this School. It is working on Water-Wise Cities and
focus on vital urban interests in water, its role in city culture and key
global concerns about environmental sustainability.
Under this program, students as well
as teachers have the opportunity to post their thoughts, ask questions and
share their research with other students in e- classroom. Investigate important topics and
answer key questions by using online or print resources, or by conducting
interviews with people in their city. Use their findings to improve their city
and educate their international peers. In this program student’s work with
their classmates to complete an activity, play a game, or have a group
discussion. It promotes
Brainstorming. Students think
about a topic or question, generate ideas, and discuss their thoughts with their classmates globally. Record their ideas before sharing with their international peers or creating a new project!
attempted pre program survey and where in the world by marking the locations of the
cities in their collaboration .Their
class is part of the TREK collaboration! This
collaboration includes classes from Istanbul, Madrid, MedellÃn, New York City, Panchkula, Recife, Taipei,
and Warsaw.
Students will broaden their local-to-global perspectives
and enhance technical knowledge as they communicate directly with their peers
internationally in our interactive, multimedia-enabled online learning
Students explored the reasons why cities are often built near rivers and oceans - water plays
an essential role in our culture, recreation, agriculture and industry, making
our cities fun and exciting places to live.
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